001 - Liam M.

Liam M is a dad of a 3 year old in Sydney, Australia. His everyday carry is the essential for a quick drink and snack on the go or an emergency nappy change.

Bag, change mat, diapers, wipes, sudocream, water, biscuits
Bag, change mat, diapers, wipes, sudocream, water, biscuits

When he's not busy on the weekends going to parks, swimming, cooking, and cleaning, he in enterprise technical support for a software company.

His everyday carry essentials fit neatly into an over-the-shoulder bag from TomToc:

  • Tomtoc small carry bag
  • Changing mat
  • Two diapers
  • Huggies wipes
  • Sudocream
  • Water
  • Snacks

All the essentials to keeping on the move doing the weekend shopping or going out.

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